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Yoga at Planet Surf Camps – Why it’s the best thing for your body alongside surfing

yoga beach forest France

Have you ever done yoga before? Would you like to try it out? Or maybe you’re super well practiced and don’t want to take a week-long break from it? Well, good news, you don’t have to!

At our surf camps in Moliets, Vieux-Boucau and Le Pin Sec in France we offer daily yoga lessons that you can join for free! How would you feel about a lovely sunset yoga class on the beach? Or maybe a refreshing session amongst the trees in the forest? In our opinion, yoga is the ying to surfing’s yang and hence we highly encourage you to try out both activities at our camps.

Did you know that yoga...?

Sunset yoga in Vieux-Boucau

At Planet Surf Camps we offer you the opportunity to decide what level you’re comfortable with, whether you’d rather have a more intense or more relaxed session. The classes are different every day and we try to make them flexible, because we know that all of you have different levels and we would love all of you to

Hope to join you at a session soon!


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