Surf Trips for Solo Travellers

6 Concerns That Previously Discouraged You from Coming to Surf Camp Alone

You’re super keen to come to surf camp but all your friends have to study, work or are just always broke? You’re dreaming of waves and sun but you’re not sure about coming to surf camp alone?

Here come 6 unwarranted fears that may have kept you from coming until now.

Surf Trips for Solo Travellers

1. I’m surely the only person who comes alone?

Awful loved up couples who only sit on top of each other and best friends who have more inside jokes that normal conversations, with you sitting in the middle in search of a normal conversation? Relax, you won’t end up like that! At all our surf camps you’ll find a great mixture of people and you will never be the only solo traveller. A lot of people come alone, some bravely for the first time, others because they already know the advantages of solo travel. Surf camps are ideal for solo travellers because through both the surf lessons and the friendly camp atmosphere, you’ll make new friends very easily.

2. I’ll feel lonely?

We’ve already established that you won’t be the only solo traveller in our camp. However now you ask yourself, will I still feel lonely? To this, let us tell you a little solo traveller wisdom: who travels solo is never alone. You’ll be staying with fellow travellers and surfers so you’ll never sit alone in your room. In our community areas, you’ll meet new people whilst eating, sharing beers, playing cards or competing in a volleyball tournament. Additionally, you’ll get to know your fellow surf students better in your surf lessons which are taken in small sized classes. In the surf camp there are plenty of opportunities and group activities that will make it easier to make new friends too.

6 Concerns That Previously Discouraged You from Coming to Surf Camp Alone

3. I won’t be safe whilst partying or surfing?

If you’re concerned that you won’t find your way back from the club or that you will drift out to sea and nobody will notice, don’t worry! Of course, if you are over 18 years old, you are responsible for yourself, but our teamers will happily show you the way to town, and with your new surf buddies in tow you’ll have a great night out. Whilst surfing there’s even less to worry about! Surf lessons are taken with a maximum of eight students per surf instructor, so your instructor will always have an eye on you and help you if you are in need. For your own safety, going surfing alone isn’t a good idea. However, if you’re taking our surf lesson programme, you’ll be surfing with your surf group and one of our surf instructors at the best spot and at the best times.

4. I don’t speak the language of the country?

In all our surf camps, you don’t need to speak the language of the country you’re visiting. If you’re reading this text in English, you’re already capable of speaking the main language at our camps! Our surf camps are host to surfers from many different countries and we love the mix of languages, facial expressions and gestures that this brings! Our team are able to speak several languages and you won’t struggle to find people to talk with.

5. I have to organise everything on my own?

Great news, when you book a trip to our surf camps, you really don’t have to organise a lot. Depending on which package you book, there is already your bed, your surf lessons and your food waiting for you at the camp. Furthermore, we offer organised day trips and parties that you can get involved with too.

Camp Photographer

6. I won’t even have one photo of me on holiday?

Well, yes, a selfie probably isn’t the coolest holiday photo. However, some pictures of you for your mum and your friends are kind of obligatory. The good thing is, we often have photographers at our surf camps taking photos of the surf lessons and the camp life. Otherwise there’s for sure going to be someone amongst your roommates and surf buddies who wants a picture of you all watching the sunset together on the beach!

Now that you’re no longer afraid of coming to surf camp alone, let us tell you some awesome facts about why coming to surf camp alone is a good idea:

  • You can do what you want, when you want! Alone, in a pair or in a group. That’s freedom!
  • You’ll be more open-minded to new experiences!
  • You’ll never be alone; our surf camp family is there for you.
  • No compromising for friends plans, no obligations to do what they want.
  • New people, new friends, new experiences.

Check out our solos’-friendly surf villa in Fuerteventura or our lively camp in Moliets, France.

So, let’s go! See you at camp.
