Junior Surf Camp Yoga

Junior Surf Camp Yoga

At our Junior Surf Camp in Moliets, teenagers can take part in daily yoga lessons. Whether you are new to yoga, or it is something that you have been practising for many years, our experienced yoga teacher would love for you to join them in their daily practices. Sessions are free to join and can be signed up to in camp.

Stretching during yoga lessons in our Junior Surf Camp MolietsYoga in the pine forestYoga on the beach at our Junior Surf Camp MolietsStretching is keyYoga on the surfboard

Yoga has many benefits as a surfer. Regular practice of yoga both stretches and strengthens your muscles, improves your balance and stability, and offers greater control of your breathing. In our yoga classes, participants work through several different complementary asanas as well as breathing exercises and aspects of meditation. You will come away from the sessions feeling refreshed and invigorated. No matter whether you are looking to take part purely for the physical benefits or whether you are instead more interested in the holistic side of things, you can guarantee you will benefit from our daily yoga sessions in Moliets.

Yoga in the perfect settingDeep relaxation during yoga at our Junior Camp MolietsThe best Yoga-feeling in natureDeveloping core strength on the beach in MolietsYoga in the dunes in Moliets